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  • Event launch & additional info 5.6.2024

  • Speaker applications open 5.6.2024 

  • Early registration opens 5.6.2024

  • Hotel info coming soon.

  • Carpooling/road trip buddy-finding tools coming soon.

The Acatemy


October 12-13, 2024  | Cleveland, OH

How do we top the massive success of the iconic 2020 Acatemy? By teaming up with the Cat Fanciers Association's International Cat Show & Expo  biggest and best cat welfare conference yet! 


Once again, we'll be welcoming the country's most proactive and influential figures in boots-on-the-ground cat rescue (that's you!), empowering them to step up their life-saving game like never before.

"Dog people have dog parks, training classes, not to mention a dozen different dog sports where they can hang out, get involved, and collaborate. Cat people have The Acatemy."

—  Laura Cassiday, Cat Behavior Specialist - 2019 Acatemy attendee & 2020 Acatemy speaker

You belong with the people who get you.

They say “it's all about the cats” but The Acatemy understands that nothing can be achieved without people like you behind the scenes. Our programming is designed to support individuals and their organizations by providing a space for networking, education, personal and professional growth, community building, skill development, and fostering brand connections that advance the cause while becoming the best version of yourself. The two-day conference includes:


  • Advanced and masterclass content from dozens of your rescue peers and industry leaders.

  • Activity spaces, specialized meetups, structured breakout sessions, interactive experiences, and more to help build your life-saving network. 

  • Face time & opportunities to build relationships with event sponsors and industry professionals.

"It seemed like people were really refreshed to not feel so alone. The cat community is really tough, emotionally, mentally, physically, but when you get them together the room really lights up. The energy was amazing."

—  Rachel Kemp, cat rescue newbie & 2019 Acatemy volunteer


It's a cat rescuer invasion! 

With over 200,000 ft². of cat-centric space between two levels, the IX Center is the place to be! 

Just an escalator away, you'll find the Cat Fanciers Association's international show, featuring over 100 cat-tastic vendors, cats 101 sessions, entertainment, and more.

International Exposition Center
1 I-X Center Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135

Hotel & travel info coming soon

IX Center.png

"Whether you’re new to the world of shelter/rescue work or have been here for some time, you will leave feeling inspired and energized to bring what you learned to your organization."

- Teresa Villatoro,

    Feline Behavior Counselor,  Animal Welfare League of Arlington & 2019 Acatemy speaker

More info

The Acatemy 2024 officially launches on May 6st. Please check back then for more information. 

Sponsorship information is available upon request. Please contact for details. 

Tel. 123-456-7890

Fax. 123-456-7890

500 Terry Francois Street, 
San Francisco, CA 94158

OUr mission

Acatemy programming focuses on empowerment of boots-on-the-ground cat hustlers to do more by focusing exclusively on action items, building the social network to expand life-saving capabilities, and facilitating occasions to celebrate their purpose with like-minded people.

We believe in perpetuating change through compassion at grassroots level. By fostering an individual's skills and sense of purpose while proactively fostering a tribal mentality, their success becomes contagious.

While the past eight years of Cat Hustler events have earned us a reputation for innovative, original content, sold-out venues, and taste-making features, none of it is possible without you, the living soul of these gatherings. Thank you for your continued support and participation; the best is yet to come. 


- Julia Grosz

  Founder & Executive Director of

Cat Hustler  & The Acatemy 

Attending The Acatemy was such a validating, educational and fulfilling experience for me and I'm so grateful to have been lucky enough to join fellow cat lovers, rescuers and professionals in such a supportive, loving atmosphere.

Shared experiences and insights surrounding feline welfare and the friendships made through the weekends activities have created such a profound impact in my everyday life, and heart.  This isn't just a workshop or convention, it's a dedicated family, and it's wildly fun!

 - Jen Glick aka Volana Kote
Whisker tribute artist & 2020 Acatemy exhibitor

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